Saturday, May 12, 2007

May Outdoor Pics

Here are some recent pics from the month of May. As you can see, Dancer Girl was practicing shooting baskets, and she succeeded in making one. I was so impressed, I snapped a couple of pics. Very cute. The calico cat is Leah, or Big Fat Kitty, our oldest, and the white one is Snowball. The plants are a tomato plant from Motherkitty and Tomas, mom and dad( can you see the little tomatoes?), some dutch iris (white/yellow-- look for the ladybug), spiderwort (purple), honeysuckle, a fern near my front porch, and another fern (japanese painted fern next to some hostas).

4 comments: said...

I can not believe what 70 miles does to the tomato plants. Tomatos love heat and it sure is warmer in Murray than it is here in Marion.
Good shot Dancer Girl. All of you girls are the best.

Motherkitty said...

Good for Dancer Girl on making a basket!!! She is so pretty.

I can't believe how nice your flowers look. Ours are finally starting to look as if they will make it and our trees are doing better.

We had a very nice Mother's Day after all. We cooked out (it was just perfect out on the deck), had strawberry shortcake for dessert, swam in the pool, and watched some movies. Best of all, both of my children called to say "happy Mother's Day" to me and that made me very happy. It would have been better if we could have seen you all, but we understand. I hope we get to see you again soon before the baby is born. Can hardly wait. Love you. Motherkitty

Lisa-Anne said...

Hello my dear!
I bet you feel like you're ready to pop by now! I'm so excited for you guys, can't wait to hear all about your new little fella. :)
My Mother in Law is pushing for us to come to Murry and visit this summer... if we do, I'll be hanging out with you, so I can see that sweet baby! :)
Love ya,

Sandy Hatcher-Wallace said...

Tell Dancer Girl I saw the picture of her basketball goal...or shot, and I'm proud of her. The basket is way up there for her and quite a feat for her to get it in. Horray.

Your tomatoes look great and yesterday Jimmy came in the house very dissappointed...Something had cut his very nice tomato plants at ground level and they were wilting and dying. They were looking very nice too. I think there are only 3 plants left out in the garden and he is very disappointed.

Your flowers look pretty and I saw your ladybug...very cute.

I'm hoping that you don't go into labor until AFTER this next weekend...anytime after that will be fine. hehehe