Thursday, January 31, 2013

The Day of the Crocus

The day my little crocuses pop up in my front yard has to be one of my favorite days of the year. I dream of a day when half my front yard is covered in their beautiful blooms. I also got a wonderful surprise in the mail, some wonderfully smelling handmade organic lemongrass and calendula soap from a dear mommy friend from a nursing mommies' group I was in starting when my oldest daughter was only 2 months old. My daughter's 11 now, and my sweet friend has moved far away. Getting her sweet note and handmade soap is like seeing the crocuses pop up each year. Now matter how long it has been since I've seen them, they always bring me great joy, and I can count on them being there year after year for me :)

February 1 today and winter's not over yet. We had a dusting of snow last evening. Here are my crocuses this morning. 


Kim said...

Aaaww, I love you and your kids so much! Your words are a very sweet testament to the everlasting love between friends, even when they are far away! Thank you for your supportive friendship during the nursing-babies years! xoxo

Alipurr said...

love you'll never know what a sweet mommy influence you've been on me. You have encouraged me to be bold and just be myself in my parenting, and not worry about being like anyone else. We have so many sweet memories of hanging out at your house....