Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Family Farm

We went to a local family farm today to pick up some fresh veggies. We got corn, yellow squash, peas, potatoes, salad tomatoes (that's what they called them), cucumbers, zucchini, fresh herbs...

The girls also fed clover to some fat fluffy bunnies(here is a picture of one of the bunnies we fed), fed some chickens, and went in the hen house to check for eggs. We brought home the eggs they found. Talk about farm fresh eggs.

This farm is family owned and practices organic farming. That's right, no pesticides or hormones or chemical fertilizers. All natural, free range, you name it. We eat lots of junk most of the time, just want to make sure this type of farm thrives in our area. Not to mention I really like fresh veggies, etc. Though I have to say early in the season I wasn't sure what to do with so many leeks and heads of cabbage.

Oh yeah, I also got some fresh blackberries and fresh cut flowers. Growing up, my mom and dad always had a garden. I have lots of fond memories of going to get corn, tomatoes, green beans for that night's dinner. Also have lots of memories of eating cherry tomatoes out of the garden til my mouth got raw. Over the years, I think my parents did their best to have a strong healthy garden (nevermind that last year it got replaced by the pretty blue pool, ha ha). Well they say you should rotate your garden spot anyway. When they dug up their garden, mom and dad just dumped everything in a new garden spot. You wouldn't believe some of the stuff coming up on its own. Talk about good compost!

Anyway, I am digressing. Today was a good day. Honesty with yourself is very important. I recognize that at this time in my life, my yard is too shady, and my children take up so much time that I do not take the time to cultivate a garden. So why not support the local farmers who devote so much of their time and energy to do what I cannot. Hopefully, I am planting some seeds of good family memories and healthy eating in my children.

9 comments: said...

Dad agrees, thank you for supporting your local organic farm. Our garden and yard stay free from chemicals (except in the pool where chlorine is used to kill algee and bacteria.
Take care
love dad

Motherkitty said...

I'm happy that you have good memories of our gardens over the years and the fruits of our labors. There is nothing like going out your back door and collecting some vegetables to clean, cook, and put on the table all the in the matter of a few minutes. Yum yum. My favorite meals consist of fresh corn on the cob, tomatoes, onions, new potatoes, and peppers -- some still warm from the sun but good for the soul.

Alipurr said...

thanks, mom and dad. i love you

The Four Bears in the Woods said...

I grew up on a farm so I can appreciate what you are saying about that there is nothing better than fresh vegetables from the garden. Summer wouldn't be the same without your garden vegetables. This is probably one of the things I look forward to most in the summer.

Trish Milburn said...

All the fresh veggies sound great. I did a story on organic farming once -- very interesting.

manababies said...

That is a great idea. Not to mention, I can imagine the veggies taste so much better! My kids won't eat veggies except for the occasional carrot. I have to be very creative with my cooking to sneak the healthy stuff in. But I wonder if they'd eat it if they grew it. Hmm.

Franny said...

Your blog really made me think. Kids really do grow up too far from the earth, and so do we sometimes.

Alipurr said...

yeah, we are struggling with weaning off too much tv and eating too much junk. I try to start each day new, no matter how much TV we watched or junk we ate the day before.

LoriCloud said...

I miss my garden...picking herbs and veges and putting them on the table. Canning in the fall...sigh. Maybe someday. At least it is summer and it is all just a farmers market away! Enjoyed the post.