interesting history of Morton Salt
how the Morton Salt girl looked when my parents were born...
I looked up Morton Salt for the graphic to go with the slogan that seems to fit the mood in my family's life right now. The history of salt includes the the history of popular myths and superstitions about salt, and is very interesting to read. I found it a nice distraction. I have always admired the optimism of the Morton Salt girl, even though she might not be so happy when she realizes she poured out all her salt....Thank God for salt. I like to think about what Jesus meant when He said we were supposed to be salt and light in the world (one place He says this is Matthew 5:13)
Let your speech be always with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer every man. Colossians 4:6, my paraphrase
forgot to mention--got my $25 in free hyacinth and daffodil bulbs in the mail yesterday. Yippee! Gonna be digging in the dirt today! :)
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