Well, Little Sister Girl, affectionately also known as Headbanger Girl, has been very fussy lately. She got one of her little sharp canine teeth in last week, so maybe this is the prelude to the other. We did have a very interesting time at Sirloin Stockade yesterday (details too scary, we left with doggy bags).
Though she is only 18 months old, she has surprised me very much this week by deciding she wanted to try to use the potty on her own. Hurray for Little Sister Girl! She has made several attempts, and succeeded many times. In short, this means gearing up for spending lots of time in the bathroom, reading books, saying "Bye Bye" (flushing toilet sound)
One of my goals in recent times is to make sure I make Mother and Daughter Time for Dancer Girl. With Little Sister Girl taking up so much of my time and on my lap, Dancer Girl feels left out sometimes, I think. Today is Monday, and it should be a quiet (relatively speaking, Long Hair Daddy!!) day in that we don't have to go anywhere. I will play pretend restaurant or school today, whether I like it or not, and I will have snuggle time with Dancer Girl. Maybe we will go outside and plant some blue irises I got almost free at a yard sale. Both my girls love being outside and helping me dig in the dirt. Maybe we should have a picnic (wheels turning).......
Here is the link where I found this beautiful blue iris picture:
Bravo, little headbanger girl! Big sister girl (dancer girl) will be a big help to you during this transition stage. What are you going to do with yourself when both girls say, "I'd rather do it myself."? Take a minute today to hug and kiss them both, and tell them that their grandma loves them so very much. See ya on Thursday. Love.
I left a post but it doesn't show up as a comment. Weird.
Sometimes you have to refresh the page. Apparently it showed up fine.
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