Well, yesterday afternoon, on a whim, I decided to hem up 9 of Little Sister Girl's shirts. I cut the snaps off of her onesies that she doesn't wear much now, and made them into little t-shirts. Now that she is very interested in the potty like Big Sister Dancer Girl, Little Sister doesn't wear the shirts with snaps anymore. I got tired of looking in her drawer for little shirts, and it was becoming very annoying for her to try to go potty and have her shirts hanging in the potty--yuck! I did it all in about an hour, I think, or at least in an afternoon. My kind of project--over and done in a day. Here is a sample before picture of a onesie. Dancer Girl and I did try to type this yesterday but our entry was lost due to "Blogger Maintenance" or something. Dancer Girl also typed something....
i love you. daddy loves me.
i love you mama and dada, natasha. hi ana. xxxooooxxx :=)
hi baby. love you, miss you
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