Well, one thing I like about Christmas songs is that they are good to have floating around in your head all day long. In case there was going to be any doubt to whether we'd have to stay home from Grandma's, etc. because of runny noses and coughs, Little Sister tossed her cookies all over me right after her nap today. And, no, they were *not* chocolate chip. Part of me had this little glimmer of hope yesterday afternoon when the little one's nose cleared up, and everyone was feeling great and happy. I thought, "Maybe we will get to go, after all...." Well, no. I don't know about you, but a certain line is crossed when the puking begins. I don't care if it is an accident, a fluke, or a virus. Throwing up is just gross, and when it happens, everything else usually comes to a screeching halt. So I spent the better part of the afternoon on guard, ready in case *it* happened again. And it did. 4 times, I think. And, I wasn't ready. Oh, well. After a while, I just gave up doing anything but keeping everyone calm, cool, and collected (that meant me, mostly). I remind myself that this is part of parenting. I am not having a pity party. I am just facing reality. Helping children stay calm and well can be exhausting, and well....I am exhausted. So, I guess I will go see if we have any Hershey bars left. I am only really glad that this song is running through my head, because it really is rather funny....
I'll be home for Christmas......(now you make up your own lyrics if you are me)
I'm dreamin' this morning of a place I love, even more than I usually do
And although I know it's a long road back, I promise you
We'll be home for Christmas
Waiting for the crud and pukin' to stop
Forget the snow but not the mistletoe
The presents and cats are under the tree with the Star of David on top
Christmas Eve will find us
Where the love light beams
We'll be home for Christmas
If only in our dreams
Christmas Eve will find us
Where the love light beams
We'll be home for Christmas
If only in our dreams
If only in our dreams
So be well family
Stop all the pukin' and snot
Come to our house for Christmas
When you're cured of what you've got
thanks mom
I heard a bell ringing during the night. I asked grandma what that meant?
She said that when you hear bells ringing an angel gets their wings.
Merry Christmas children and rosy cheeks to you and may your day be blessed with joy and peace.
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