Friday, December 02, 2005

Tis the Season for Tchaikovsky

Can anyone say Nutcracker?

here's the guy who wrote it...

Long Hair Daddy and I are feeling very brave and are taking 4 year old Dancer Girl *and* 20 month old Little Sister Girl to a local dance company's performance of The Nutcracker on the local college campus tonite. And, we decided to take the girls to Chuck E. Cheese's on Sunday afternoon. Now all we have to do is put up the Christmas tree to officially be ushered into the joyful holiday frenzy.

1 comment:

Motherkitty said...

I can't believe it. I left a comment but it ate it never to be seen again. Anyway, the original post said I hope you and your family enjoy the Nutcracker. The girls will certainly enjoy all the dancing and music. Wish we could see their shining faces.

Enjoy your visit to Chuck E. Cheese's on Sunday. You picked a good day to shop.